In the realm of human existence, imagine a world where your being is confined to a single mold, defined solely by the confines of your social context. A universal law dictates that any other form you aspire to or yearn to embody remains unrecognized, as the prevailing uniformity of this context rejects the acknowledgement of difference. Now, let us contemplate the very notion of culture: Can it truly be contained within a singular definition?

In the realm of economic status, how do you define yourself? Working class, middle class, upper class? Reflect upon the intricate connections that intertwine your self-perception with how others perceive you. Delve deeper into the tapestry of influence, pressure, and opportunities that shape your aspirations dictated by the confines of your class identity.

Within the labyrinthine corridors of identity, we find ourselves entangled in a web spun by societal constructs and institutional impositions. Like identity documents that certify our existence, we are branded with predetermined labels, granting us a place in the social tapestry. Birth certificates, laden with critical details of our being—names, origins, genders—shape the contours of our becoming, leaving little room for negotiation or choice.

In the tapestry of existence, our connection to places holds profound meaning, intertwining with the threads of personal and national identity. Birthplaces, cities of residence, and workspaces evoke a symphony of emotions and summon vivid images of landscapes and people. Neighbourhoods, aromas, flavours, architecture, and the very essence of a place become integral parts of its identity, shaping the lives of those who inhabit its boundaries.

Imagine a moment when you meet someone for the first time, and in your quest to know them, you inquire about their name, their place of origin, and their occupation. These questions become a window into their essence, revealing both what makes them like us and what sets them apart. In these moments, we embark on a subjective journey, trying to understand the very fabric of who they are.

In the realm of human existence, there exists a fascinating interplay between the past and the present, a dance of ever-changing forms and ceaseless transformations. This dance finds its expression in my artworks as I delve into the depths of history while remaining firmly anchored in the present. Within this dynamic interplay, I seek to unravel the mysteries of identity, challenging the notion of its completion and embracing its perpetual state of possibility.